Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Print this page or scan the QRcode and buy one and get one for 50% off on your next purchase.
Remember to check us out on Facebook, blog, and Twitter.  Thank you for your patronized  to our store and our websites.

Here scan this and there will be a coupon posted on a new blog.


Thursday, April 24, 2014


We are now available on Pinterest for you to enjoy what we have to offer and for you to comment on what you think about some of the candies that we have to offer you at Sweet Treats.
Remember we are on Facebook, Twitter and now Pinterest.
We are here to satisfy your sweet tooth.

You can walk in with tennis shoes and walk out with Chocolate High Heels.


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Darlene Dhein:   Come in a check out our Easter specials that we ...

Darlene Dhein:   Come in a check out our Easter specials that we ...:   Come in a check out our Easter specials that we have to offer you.  Check on Facebook for coupons and discounts for you to use before Ea...

Easter is around the corner we have a variety of specials for you to choose from.  Not only in Facebook you can get deals but now we are on Twitter.  Just click on the weblink I have here and visit with us and see what is happing at Sweet Treats.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Come in a check out our Easter specials that we have to offer you.  Check on Facebook for coupons and discounts for you to use before Easter.

We here at Sweet Treats have a special offer.  Come in to get a decorating chocolate lesson and receive a free gift. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014


 At Sweet Treats we have candy for all ages.  Come in and design your own chocolates we have many ideas for you to choose from.  We are up and running on Facebook.  Click Like Us on Facebook


Thursday, April 10, 2014


Visit us on Facebook.  Sweet Treats would like to have you join our friend lists.  We will have offers,coupons, contests and special offers on Facebook. 
Like us on Facebook. 


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The winner for the 1st annual Sweet Treats contest for 2014 is Sean Steward. He is the winner of a $500 scholarship.
I want to thank you for entering you pictures to Sweet Treats.  It was a hard decision to make. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Starting Thursday April 3,2014 at 7:00am Sweet Treats is holding a contest.   Just upload a photo of your original candy with a unique look to Instagram at my email address dhein3783@gmail.com.  The first place prize will receive a $500 scholarship for school.

The rules
1. Get candy you like.
2. Take the candy and prop it in a creative and unique way
3. Take a picture of the candy
4. Submit the photo to the email above
5. All contestants must submit by Friday April 4, 2014 by 9:00pm
6. The winner will be announced on Tuesday April 8,2014
7. The ages for the contestant is 16-21 years of age

Note to the contestants have fun playing with the candy and making it the looks as unique and creative as you can.


Tuesday, April 1, 2014